Reverse Around the World (2 smokes)

A Pre-Made Nades original. This is for when the opposing team plays defensively on B site and aggressively at A. You can run through banana and CT spawn to A site and catch the CTs off guard, especially if they play aggresively in apartments.

Nade 1: Stairs

This smokes the little steps into B, providing cover from quad and dark. Start by standing in the corner where this bush is.
Position your crosshair on the top of the little box on the antenna. Throw normally.

Nade 2: Firebox

Go to this corner next to the logs.
Look at the little branch in the middle of the tree with a fair bit of sky on both sides. Point your crosshair to the bottom of it where it intersects again with the tree.
And the final results, which let you run into CT: