T Roof to Hut Molly

A rare smoke! This is perhaps the only way to molly hut on Nuke without having to run. Make sure to shoot out the glass before you throw it.

This nade is thrown from the right vent on T roof.
Specifically, from the lower ledge on the corner of the vent. (The corner closer to marshmallow but farther from T spawn.)
Here's what it looks like when you stand on the lower ledge. You should be right up against the vent behind you.
Aim at the frame on the bottom right corner of the window. The window is to the right of the divider in the vent, if you follow it down. Stand normally, and JUMP THROW.
This is what is should look like. The molotov works almost always for the side of hut closer to vent, but you have to get it pixel-perfect to get closer to the door side of hut.